published on The Star (Opinion Letters), Saturday 8 October 2016
Exclusive Interview with Hermanas: A Concerned Brand that Promotes Autism Awareness through Contemporary Hijabs
published on sterrific.com.my & Hermanas' FB page (March 2019)

Although being a newly established hijab brand in the always evolving hijab market, Hermanas which was launched in 2018, is brave to take the challenge to participate in a CSR project in collaboration with Cakna Autisma. This concerned brand had jumped into the bandwagon along with many established brands to create awareness on autism and to fund charity money to an organization called PIBI (Persatuan Ibu Bapa & Intervensi) under Permata Kurnia center.
Malaysia Hijab Brand – Hermanas
Nowadays, women don’t only wear hijab just to cover their aurat, it’s a way of showcasing their unique fashion styles while complementing their outfits! Though there are many local hijab brands in Malaysia, Hermanas is making their way into the industry with full force!
Hermanas x CaknaAutisma
With a mindset to promote autism, Hermanas succeeded in doing good deeds while selling hijab, a piece of fabric to cover the women’s aurah under a collection called Hermanas x CaknaAutisma.
The hijab was sold for RM79 each, on both online media and also at a booth during the Temasya Hari Kanak-kanak Cakna Autisme 2018 in November. RM10 from each hijab of the collection sold would be donated to the organization. Hermanas, as a concerned brand is also a contemporary hijab brand selling the current trend for printed hijabs. Since its’ launch, Hermanas has been selling exclusive printed hijab, apart from being produced in a premium cotton voile, a comfortable material that is suitable with Malaysia’s weather, Hermanas also never failed to exclusively launch a new collection every month. To date, Hermanas has successfully launched 7 collections that were named after the printed theme of the collection.
So, without being dilly dally, and a love for this concerned brand grows, here is the exclusive interview we had with Hermanas.
Who and what is Hermanas?
1. Please share the background of your business/brand.
Hermanas means sisters in Latin. When we create this brand, we meant to get people to get together as sisters who loved simple bawal scarf but with an exclusive design.
2. Why do you choose hijab as products to sell?
We choose hijab as our products because it’s what women look for! And with Bawal Hermanas we are confident that women will love our products because of our materials, designs and packaging.
3. What makes your brand significant to your customers?
Hermanas is a significant choice because we offer a new choice for bawal lovers, with high-quality material that we use which are specially crafted for Hermanas but are still affordable. More to that, we make an exclusive printed and limited edition for each collection. All of our collections will not be reprinted in the future and whatever has been sold out will not be reproduced to the market even if they are in demand.
4. Who is your target market, is it local or international?
Throughout the years, our target market is only Malaysia. However, we also received orders from Brunei, Singapore and Australia, which are mostly referrals from our existing customers. We focus more on women who live in cities throughout Malaysia and most of them will become our loyal customers because they love our designs and materials. We refer to them as #hermanaslovers.
Get To Know Hermanas and their Products
5. What is the latest collection that you are selling currently?
Our latest collection is from Baby December which has been released to the market end of December 2018. For this collection, Hermanas came out with another 6 beautifully crafted designs to celebrate the end of 2018. In 2018, the most memorable collection is the one that we did in collaboration with Cakna Autisma to promote autism awareness in the country. With a cute teddy bear puzzle at the corner of the scarf, it has been bought by many parents in support of this campaign. For each of the scarves sold, Hermanas donated RM10 to the PIBI (Persatuan Ibu Bapa & Intervensi) under Permata Kurnia center. For the upcoming months in 2019, we have prepared many new designs just for our #hermanaslovers.
6. What are the materials of hijab that you have sold and are currently selling?
At this moment, we use specially crafted materials which are called Premium Hermanas Cotton Voile for all of our hijabs. This material is really easy to style, easy to care for and most importantly, for women, they can use any style by using our 45inch square scarfs or bawal.
And many of our #hermanaslovers now choose our collection as their hijab for holidays, and recently we have launched a #hermanasgoesholiday campaign.
Facing Challenges as a Brand
7. How do you face the challenge of having too many competitors in the industry?
We are still new, and facing challenges from existing competitors who are already in the market years ahead of us is a real challenge. But we believe everyone has their own customers who will eventually love what they offer as a brand and how the products become part of their lifestyle as well as bring more confidence to the women that are wearing it. We just want to make sure our customers love what we do and by doing that our customers will help us to promote Hermanas to their friends and family.
8. How do you promote your brand?
Aside from digital marketing on Facebook, Instagram and Google Ads, we also run a campaign by a series of influencers. In 2019, we are looking into being featured in printed media as well.
The Future of Hermanas
9. Do you plan to expand your business internationally?
Yes, we do intend to expand. In 2019, we are looking to have more resellers in Singapore and Brunei. We are also looking to expand in Indonesia and Turkey as well.
10. Do you plan to expand your business in other fashion lines?
Hermanas would be offered in other fashion lines in the future, which will complement the lifestyle offered by the current product line.
Changing the game in the Hijab Industry
11. How would you describe the current state of Malaysian hijab industry?
It’s amazing how it has been! I would say, Malaysia products are very good in quality and branding to compete with global brands. Just look at how Naelofar Hijab and DuckScarves were doing, they have created long loyal customers towards their brand and we are looking forward to being at their level in the future.
12. What do you think of the hijab industry in 10 years’ time?
In 10 years’ time, there will be a lot more hijab brands in the market and it will be accepted globally. For Hermanas, we would like to see us as the front runner of exclusive printed scarves which will cater for premium, middle and low tier market.
So what do you think about Hermanas? Do you want to know more about them?
Worry not, because we’ve got you covered, head to their website to check out all of their collections or follow them on Facebook, Instagram or Youtube for more updates from this contemporary hijab brand. If you need assistance in building a website or branding, feel free to contact web design Malaysia for more information.
Don't let writing be a wilting pursuits

IT is surprising how most Malaysians point out that we read less but no one bothers that we also write less. When we first attended kindergarten, writing, along with reading and spelling were major concerns among parents. Parents however, often neglect the importance of writing as we grow older and hence the lack of quality in writing among teenagers. No one seems to be passionate about writing as in writing with a pen or pencil on a piece of paper.
Teenagers living in this age not only read less but also write less and lack the quality to write well, especially those in university. Writing thesis and doing paperwork which is beyond the realm of copy and paste, and expressing original ideas, often end up being done like children’s storybooks or patchworks with paragraphs pasted here and there. These problems only lead to less confidence for fresh graduates from employers who expect their workers to have greater credibility, especially in doing paperwork. Writing is like selling ideas.
Aristotle said that “to write well, express yourself like the common people, but think like a wise man.” He implied that writing indeed needs knowledge.
In Malaysia, we compete in terms of intelligence but we often forget the fact that to prove one’s intelligence, one should be able to express it well. No matter how simple the words are, the thinking behind an entire paragraph is crucial in showing the meaning and the writer’s expression. And that is exactly where our youth are found wanting.
Schools or parents should encourage their children to keep diaries that need to be written daily. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, then why not nurture the children to write a page a day. By expressing themselves through writing daily, it is possible for young children to grow up with an abundance of knowledge and excellent vocabulary and become more creative youth who can think out of the box, especially when it comes to using words.
published on The Star (Opinion Letters), Saturday 8 October 2016
written on Thursday, 22 February 2018

Those hands look rough but gentle that could soothe the nervous system. I have been looking at the hands, powerfully holding up the book of Lang Leav’s infamous poems collection. I could not see his face or did I feel like I should not see his face? I wish I am brave to see his face, his eyes and his emotions but for now I could only see his hands; the light brown skinned-hands look cold but not isolated from the world. Do I have fetish for men’s hands now? Oh my god.
The lady standing in front of him now has moved to take the unoccupied seat not far from me. Passengers are getting off and on, at fast pace but how could I only focus at his hands for so long now? I almost missed my stop. Fuck. I only realized this after his face is reveal; soft and determined. That dark brown eyes look at me staring at his hands, I was caught red-handed for staring. Therefore, I decided to leave his hands alone and look outside of the moving train. I listen to the announcement made, next is my stop so I decided to stand before my seating position look any more awkward than it could be. I walked toward the train door as the train decreased its speed smoothly. As soon as the door opens, I leave the train and never look back as I did not need any second-hand embarrassment. I just walked fast in the cold weather toward my favorite stop before I am home; Cube Café also known as my second home.
The bell rings as I pushed the doors and entered the café, I waved and smiled at Elise who replied me with a nod as she was busy moping the floor. The bell rings again but I did not bother looking, this café is known for its patrons and sometimes overflowed with friends of friends of the patron; almost always full house. Elise and I call it the café community. Oh, Elise is my high school friend and this café is her brother’s so she basically co-own the café while me working as a junior editor in an editorial firm; technically we both are doing what we love the most right now.
“Hi, the usual hot caramel macchiato. Today I would love your choc banana waffle. Thanks.” I ordered the usual drink but not so usual dessert. I usually have their signature toast but today I just do not feel like it.
I chose the two seats table as all the other seats were full, usually I would sit at the personal cubicle or the high bar table by the window as usually I am all alone, however no luck for me today. I might as well share the table with a stranger soon so I feel nervous, I am socially awkward. I am usually the last person to say anything first, so I guess I am more like an introvert plus awkward. Did I mention awkward twice? So I decided to work on this month’s article and design hence I bring out and switch on my Mac book.
As the waiter serve me my hot big cup of caramel macchiato and steaming hot waffle, I was totally focus on the article of this month’s issue highlight, “What color symbolizes your current relationship?”. So when there’s hand sliding a very familiar ball pen across the table, I can barely notice. But it’s not the pen that caught my attention, it’s the hands.
I am blushing naturally and I could not utter a single word from my mouth. I feel super embarrassed right now. It’s the guy from the train. Did he follow me? Oh god, I am speechless. It was a good 30 seconds of silence. So, he made a quick announcement on why he was having my ball pen, favorite one, to emphasis.
“I saw you rushing getting out of the train and then I saw you drop this so I thought I should return it to you, then I saw you going inside of this café and it looks nice. I thought I should get a cup while I’m here and this is the only empty seat. I am not purposely following you, I hope you’re okay with me being here,” he breathe in the air as soon as he finished his sentence. It was too quick that I barely catch what he was saying but okay. He is cute and nervous.
“Oh.” was all that I could pulled off at that moment. My eyes reaching for Elise but she is nowhere to be found. That’s okay. Relax.
“Thank you, it’s my favorite pen of all” that was stiff and awkward so I reach for my macchiato and quickly sip it. Fuck it’s hot.
We were being silent for another good five minutes before he decided to look at me after his busy eyes wandered all over the café to kill the time. It makes me more awkward so I decided to stare harder at my Mac book screen, doing nothing.
“Hmm, I actually saw you staring at my hands in the train… or maybe my book… tell me if I misunderstand you for looking blankly at something. I won’t be mad either way, I’m just curious.”
“Your hands… they are pretty,” I replied and look at his hand then lift my head to only find myself awkwardly smile at him.
We were staring at each other for so long that he smiled back and now my smile has soften into a more genuine smile. Those hands are the reason why we were smiling at each other, the reason why we talked and the reason why I find him cute and attractive. The pen? It was a trick. I purposely made it look like I dropped it. Those hands? I am holding it right now, close to me so that I could protect them, him and his beautiful soul.
written on Sunday, 25 February 2018

“Do you trust me?”
He nods. I signal him with a smile and small nod. Then we continue to walk along the river where from here we could see the blazing orange sun sets in between high rise buildings in the city. I feel a lot better now to know that he trusts me and to know that he still wants to hold my hands while squeezing it. I peek at his side profile, he knows I’m peeking so he decided to keep a straight face. His wrinkles are visible but he still looks young, maybe it is his soul that is young. So much young that when he talks I cannot keep myself from adoring the way he thinks and interprets whatever is there inside his powerful mind. I love him, hence I squeeze back his hand.
“Was it a good walk, honey?” mom asked, but I know she doesn’t expect any specific and detailed answer from us. So, I smiled at her then I look at my dad, he smiled too then he looked at me then nods.
I walk toward the living room and switch on my Spotify to play classic songs from the 90’s, mom and dad’s favorite, mine too, but they love them more compared to myself. Then I plop on the sofa, reaching my current read on the coffee table, ‘Wild’ by Cheryl Strayed that I borrowed from the library near my apartment; second home.
“What time you going back darling?” mom asked after she puts a cup of chamomile tea in front of me before she sits right next to my feet as my whole body is now on the sofa.
I put down my feet out of respect before I answer her, “tomorrow morning mom, maybe after a good walk, but I can’t stay until lunch, I have a class right after lunch in library.” I put down my book, then reach for the tea.
“Alright then I’ll pack you some good food for lunch tomorrow so that you can eat it in the library. You don’t need to rush to commute back to your house.”
“Whatever you want to do, I trust you… that you can do your best and would never disappoint us,” she continues, then pats me on my right thigh. I smile at her so she smiles back at me, of course with the look in her eyes that I know for certain, she trust me.
Later that night I cannot sleep so I take some times to think and plan ahead of me, so I write a sensible bucket lists in my notebook. Last month I just quit my job that I had for one and a half year. It was my third job after my degree, which all three are in the field of engineering. I have been working as a computer engineer for three years, but I wasn’t happy, so I decided to quit and pursue my interest after so long, although in two months I am going to turn 26. It was not an easy decision, but my parents do not question it, well at least I believe not yet. Not until today that I realized that I did disappoint them but they trust me. So that night I was able to sleep in peace after a month I was afraid that my parents might disown me for quitting my excellent-pay job. It is their trust that embrace me that night.
A year has passed…
“Mom, I just launch my artsy online shop! It’s called Thread&Trust, do tell your friends and your students that your daughter sells all form of creative artsy stuff,” I said through the phone while browsing my own online shop.
I feel overwhelmed when I look at it. So much that I feel it is unreal. All the artsy classes I attend for the past twelve months, now I could see the result. I feel accomplished, though the journey has just started and it is a long way to go for me but I am happy that I am able to be what I dreamed of myself last year. I smile and gain some confidence, I know it was my parents’ trust that pushed me all this while. I was depressed a year ago, and not that I am not now, but I feel happier. I take my bucket lists notebook, and cross off number 3, “Have an artsy online shop”.
1. go to artsy class
2. have mom and dad’s trust
3. have an artsy online shop (Thread&Trust)
4. have my own artsy class
5. write a book and inspire others!